Flex Caster

Web Powered Live Production System

HOT NEWS!!! May 2011 : The development of FlexCaster continues! We are now porting FlexCaster to SDK 4.5, optimizing it and adding many new features.
If you're interested in FlexCaster, please donate or contact us.

FlexCaster is a multifunctional digital video creation software that integrates professional Video Mixer / Switcher, Character Generator, Video Effects Device, Broadcast Quality Chroma Keyer, Video Recorder, Web Streaming and more in one tool.

The application receives live camera and source feeds and allows the director to switch between feeds using cuts, fades and wipes, and to record and broadcast live output video content.

FlexCaster is a smart and economical way to create and delivery video and live productions, with no needs of custom hardware:
- LIVE PRODUCTION: with FlexCaster and some webcam you (on your own or with a team) can live direct, record and stream an event, in web or broadcast quality.
- VEE JAY: FlexCaster is the right solution to play and manipulate video on the fly, with playlists, live effects and Multimedia Mixer.

The software also includes Surveillance Mode (with motion threshold detection and alarms), and 3D Motion tracking (to retrive live motion data from cameras).

FlexCaster is still in developement state, (so, please report comments, suggestions and bugs), and it's available on Win, Mac and Linux systems.
It's powered by Adobe Air / Flex Adobe AIR & Flex technologies.

Following features are all active in the downloadable Beta, but many of these need to be fixed.

- Full operational Video Mixer with realtime T-Bar
- Intuitive A/B sources assignement and live preview system
- Compositing : Effects + Titles + Overlay Image + 4 Video Layers + Background Image
- Internal TBC (Time Base Corrector) for precise video synchronization.
- Loading of local or remote files / streams
- Asset Library / Gallery
- Playlist mode

- Unlimited sources (cameras, videos, netstreams)
- Multiple Camera Support (with source and video size / fps controls)
- Advanced Video Player (with Jogshuttle, size, info, fps synch, seek, progress, volume, loop, flip, save jpg)
- 2 Image layers: Overlay / Background over and under video source, with independend blending and alpha
controls, scale / stretch, pan / zoom / rotation / skew controls (with switchable depths)
- Different overlay / background images for each video source
- Alpha, blending and 3Distort controls on source
- Chroma Key with fine tuning (with testing animated backgound) and independent color pick for each source
- Advanced color effects on sources (brightness, saturation, contrast, hue, tint, alpha, ...)
- Videotitler with rich text editor

- Multiple output size / fps formats
- Advanced source to output selection and on air switching
- Advanced color effects on output (brightness, saturation, contrast, hue, tint, alpha, ...)
- Videotitler with rich text editor
- 4 Video Layers (Overlay, On Air + Preview, Background) with independend sources, alpha
and blending controls and scale / stretch, (with switchable depths)
- 2 Image layers: Overlay / Background source selection with independend blending and alpha
controls, scale / stretch, pan / zoom / rotation / skew controls (with switchable depths)
- Save output snapshot .jpg
- Save output video .flv
- Save output .jpg image sequence

- Motion and Color Tracking (selection by color picker or by click on video, separate colors for each window)
- Display tracking masks
- Output data flows to graphs
- Output data to XML (x,y,z coords and time)
- Save output XML file
- Multiple Camera support
- Axis and Camera assignements (supports 3 capture cameras for 3 dimensions)
- Accurate position control: scale and coord normalization
- Preview in Papervision3D
- Eyetracking (3D, with color)

- Multiple Camera support
- Motion sensitivity threshold (%) control
- Accurate area subdivision control
- Output data in XML : motion %, time, area, camera
- Save jpg snapshot and output XML to file (according to %)
- Boundaries control movement (paddles)
- Pong game (fun!)
Atlantide Design Studio - P.zza Obelisco, 1 - 67069 Tagliacozzo (AQ) - Italy
© 2008-2011 A. Di Michele - All rights reserved
info@atlantide-design.it - www.atlantide-design.it